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Pediatrics – Infectious Diseases

Case Series | Higher Troponin was associated with persistent cardiac MRI lesions in children with myocarditis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination

30 Jan, 2023 | 01:01h | UTC

Higher Troponin Levels on Admission are associated With Persistent Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Lesions in Children Developing Myocarditis After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination – The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal


M-A | Assessment of efficacy and safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in children aged 5 to 11 years

25 Jan, 2023 | 11:26h | UTC

Assessment of Efficacy and Safety of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Children Aged 5 to 11 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – JAMA Pediatrics

Editorial: COVID-19 Vaccines in Young Children—Reassuring Evidence for Parents – JAMA Pediatrics


ASCO Guideline | Management of fever and neutropenia in pediatric patients with cancer and hematopoietic cell transplantation recipients

24 Jan, 2023 | 14:28h | UTC

Guideline for the Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Pediatric Patients With Cancer and Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Recipients: 2023 Update – Journal of Clinical Oncology


M-A | Diagnostic value of four biomarkers in detecting neonatal sepsis in low- and middle-income countries

24 Jan, 2023 | 14:21h | UTC

Systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic value of four biomarkers in detecting neonatal sepsis in low- and middle-income countries – BMJ Paediatrics Open


Consensus statement | Use of a 4-month treatment regimen for drug susceptible TB in children with uncomplicated disease

18 Jan, 2023 | 14:25h | UTC

Consensus statement on the use of a four-month treatment regimen for drug susceptible tuberculosis in children (< 10 years of age) with uncomplicated disease – Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care


UK National case series of group A streptococcus pleural empyema in children: clinical and microbiological features

15 Jan, 2023 | 20:24h | UTC

National case series of group A streptococcus pleural empyema in children: clinical and microbiological features – The Lancet Infectious Diseases


Commentary from the author on Twitter (thread – click for more)


Study shows younger age at first acute otitis media and daycare attendance are the most important predictors for recurrence

13 Jan, 2023 | 13:22h | UTC

Window of Susceptibility to Acute Otitis Media Infection – Pediatrics

Invited commentary: Predicting Recurrent Acute Otitis Media and the Need for Tympanostomy: A Powerful Tool – Pediatrics


SR | Interventions for the eradication of methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in people with cystic fibrosis

12 Jan, 2023 | 13:04h | UTC

Interventions for the eradication of meticillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in people with cystic fibrosis – Cochrane Library


WHO updates recommendations on HPV vaccination schedule

9 Jan, 2023 | 14:57h | UTC

News Release: WHO updates recommendations on HPV vaccination schedule – World Health Organization

Guideline: Human papillomavirus vaccines: WHO position paper, December 2022 – World Health Organization


WHO Recommends One HPV Vaccine Dose Instead of Two; Move Should Help Expand Coverage – Health Policy Watch

WHO supports 1-dose HPV vaccine strategy – CIDRAP


Commentary on Twitter


WHO | Increase in invasive Group A streptococcal infections among children in Europe, including fatalities

9 Jan, 2023 | 14:53h | UTC

Increase in invasive Group A streptococcal infections among children in Europe, including fatalities – World Health Organization


Review | Transmission of Group B Streptococcus in late-onset neonatal disease

9 Jan, 2023 | 14:05h | UTC

Transmission of Group B Streptococcus in late-onset neonatal disease: a narrative review of current evidence – Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease


Review | Human papillomavirus vaccination and cervical cancer risk.

16 Dec, 2022 | 13:26h | UTC

Human papillomavirus vaccination and cervical cancer risk – The BMJ


SR | Treatment of enteric fever (typhoid and paratyphoid fever) with cephalosporins.

14 Dec, 2022 | 14:51h | UTC

Treatment of enteric fever (typhoid and paratyphoid fever) with cephalosporins – Cochrane Library


Cohort Study | Preschool neurodevelopment in Zika virus-exposed children without congenital Zika syndrome.

5 Dec, 2022 | 00:09h | UTC

Preschool neurodevelopment in Zika virus-exposed children without congenital Zika syndrome – Pediatric Research

News Release: Zika-exposed children may display neurodevelopmental differences, study finds – Children’s National Hospital


Case-control study | Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against infection and mortality in children in Argentina.

2 Dec, 2022 | 14:36h | UTC

Effectiveness of mRNA-1273, BNT162b2, and BBIBP-CorV vaccines against infection and mortality in children in Argentina, during predominance of delta and omicron covid-19 variants: test negative, case-control study – The BMJ


M-A | A short course of antibiotics is noninferior to long-course therapy in children with nonsevere pneumonia.

16 Nov, 2022 | 13:43h | UTC

Short-Course vs Long-Course Antibiotic Therapy for Children With Nonsevere Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – JAMA Pediatrics (free for a limited period)

Commentary: Review: Shorter antibiotic course sufficient for kids with pneumonia – CIDRAP


RCT | Among neonates with probable bacterial infection, switching from intravenous to oral antibiotics (amoxicillin–clavulanic acid) was noninferior to a full course of intravenous antibiotics and resulted in shorter hospitalization (median duration of 3.4 vs. 6.8 days).

RCT: In children with community-acquired pneumonia, outpatient antibiotic therapy for 5 days resulted in similar clinical response rates compared to a standard 10-day strategy.

ACP Guidance: Appropriate Use of Short-Course Antibiotics in Common Infections

RCT: 5 days of high-dose amoxicillin therapy noninferior to 10 days for the treatment of pediatric community-acquired pneumonia

RCT: Among children with community-acquired pneumonia discharged within 48 hours from the ED or hospital, lower-dose outpatient oral amoxicillin was noninferior to a higher dose, and a 3-day duration course was noninferior to 7 days.

Treatment of urinary tract infections in infants <2 Months: A Living Systematic Review – short and long duration of parenteral antibiotics were associated with a similar risk of UTI recurrence.

RCT: 7 days of antibiotic therapy as good as 14 days for afebrile men with urinary tract infection.

Randomized Trial: Seven vs. Fourteen Days of Antibiotic Therapy for Uncomplicated Gram-negative Bacteremia

Meta-Analysis: Efficacy of Short-Course Antibiotic Treatments for Community-Acquired Pneumonia


Editorial | The urgent need to recognize and properly address prenatal-onset group B Streptococcus disease.

10 Nov, 2022 | 13:59h | UTC

The urgent need to recognize and properly address prenatal-onset group B Streptococcus disease – International Journal of Infectious Diseases


Cohort Study | Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among children and adolescents in Qatar.

4 Nov, 2022 | 13:51h | UTC

Covid-19 Vaccine Protection among Children and Adolescents in Qatar – New England Journal of Medicine


Commentary on Twitter


RCT | Evaluation of mRNA-1273 vaccine in children 6 months to 5 years of age.

20 Oct, 2022 | 12:35h | UTC

Evaluation of mRNA-1273 Vaccine in Children 6 Months to 5 Years of Age – New England Journal of Medicine


Commentary on Twitter


Myocarditis after BNT162b2 vaccination in Israeli adolescents.

20 Oct, 2022 | 12:34h | UTC

Myocarditis after BNT162b2 Vaccination in Israeli Adolescents – New England Journal of Medicine


Commentary on Twitter


Cohort Study | New and progressive medical conditions after pediatric sepsis hospitalization requiring critical care.

13 Oct, 2022 | 13:45h | UTC

New and Progressive Medical Conditions After Pediatric Sepsis Hospitalization Requiring Critical Care – JAMA Pediatrics (free for a limited period)


Commentary on Twitter


RCT | Topical antibiotics reduce the time to clinical cure in children with infective conjunctivitis.

5 Oct, 2022 | 13:55h | UTC

Effect of Topical Antibiotics on Duration of Acute Infective Conjunctivitis in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial and a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – JAMA Network Open


Topical Antibiotics Linked With Reduced Duration of Acute Infective Conjunctivitis in Children – AJMC

Topical Antibiotics Shorten Duration of Conjunctival Symptoms – HealthDay


Commentary on Twitter


AAP Clinical Report | Controlling and treating head lice in children and adolescents.

3 Oct, 2022 | 14:04h | UTC

Head Lice – Pediatrics

News Release: American Academy of Pediatrics Updates Report on Controlling and Treating Head Lice in Children, Adolescents – American Academy of Pediatrics


Systematic Review | Home care for bronchiolitis.

21 Sep, 2022 | 13:14h | UTC

Home Care for Bronchiolitis: a Systematic Review – Pediatrics

Commentary: Home oxygen therapy for bronchiolitis feasible, cost-effective, and favorable to caregivers – Physician’s Weekly


Commentary on Twitter


Impact of routine childhood immunization in reducing vaccine-preventable diseases in the US.

21 Sep, 2022 | 13:11h | UTC

Impact of Routine Childhood Immunization in Reducing Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in the United States – Pediatrics


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