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Pharmacoepidemiological Study: Association of Antidepressant Use With Drug-Related Extrapyramidal Symptoms

22 Jun, 2018 | 02:28h | UTC

Association of Antidepressant Use With Drug-Related Extrapyramidal Symptoms: A Pharmacoepidemiological Study – Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (link to abstract – $ for full-text)

Commentaries: Incidence of Extrapyramidal Symptoms Higher With Certain Antidepressants – MPR (free) AND Antidepressants tied to Parkinson’s-like symptoms – Univadis (free registration required)

“Observational study: Incidence of EPSs with antidepressants. RRs: duloxetine, 5.68; mirtazapine, 3.78; citalopram, 3.47; escitalopram, 3.23; paroxetine, 3.07; sertraline, 2.57; venlafaxine, 2.37; bupropion, 2.31; and fluoxetine, 2.03 (all significant)” (via @psychopharmacol see Tweet)


Guide: Age-attuned Hospice Care

18 Jun, 2018 | 00:19h | UTC

Age-attuned Hospice care: An opportunity to better end of life care for older people – StCristopher’s (free PDF) (via @hospicedoctor see tweet)

“Despite the evidence that more people will die of frailty and multiple long-term conditions than of cancer, our services for those moving towards the end of their life remain focussed on the needs of the latter group”


Cohort Study: Older Age Associated with Worse Outcomes in Major Depressive Disorder

15 Jun, 2018 | 01:09h | UTC

Associations between age and the course of major depressive disorder: a 2-year longitudinal cohort study – The Lancet Psychiatry (link to abstract – $ for full-text)

Commentaries: Older age tied to poorer course of major depressive disorder – MedicalXpress (free) AND Worse Depression Trajectory in Old Age – MedPage Today (free registration required)


Randomized Trial: Antipsychotic Treatment of Very Late-onset Schizophrenia-like Psychosis

15 Jun, 2018 | 00:55h | UTC

Antipsychotic treatment of very late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis (ATLAS): a randomised, controlled, double-blind trial – The Lancet Psychiatry (free)

Commentaries: Very late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis: positive findings but questions remain unanswered – The Lancet Psychiatry (free) AND Low-Dose Antipsychotic Effective in Late-Onset Psychosis – Medscape (free registration required) AND Low-dose amisulpride effective for late-onset psychosis – Healio (free registration required)


Guideline: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Older People

1 Jun, 2018 | 03:48h | UTC

Type 2 diabetes mellitus in older people: a brief statement of key principles of modern day management including the assessment of frailty. A national collaborative stakeholder initiative – Diabetic Medicine (free)

Commentary: New guidance on treating diabetes in elderly and frail adults – University of Exeter, via EurekAlert (free)


Cohort Study: Incidence and Cost of Medication Harm in Older Adults Following Hospital Discharge

24 May, 2018 | 23:35h | UTC

Incidence and cost of medication harm in older adults following hospital discharge: A multicentre prospective study in the UK – British Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (free PDF)

Commentaries: Medication-related harm is common in older adults after hospital discharge – OnMedica (free) AND Medication-related harm found to be common among older adults, but preventable  – News Medical (free)


ASCO Guideline for Geriatric Oncology

24 May, 2018 | 23:37h | UTC

Practical Assessment and Management of Vulnerabilities in Older Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: ASCO Guideline for Geriatric Oncology – Journal of Clinical Oncology (free)


Randomized Controlled Trial: Exercise Training Does Not Slow Dementia Progression

18 May, 2018 | 02:29h | UTC

Dementia And Physical Activity (DAPA) trial of moderate to high intensity exercise training for people with dementia: randomised controlled trial – The BMJ (free)

Commentaries: Exercise Doesn’t Slow Cognitive Decline in Patients with Dementia – NEJM Physician’s First Watch (free) AND Rigorous exercise does not halt dementia decline, study concludes – The Guardian (free) AND Expert reaction to effects of exercise on dementia in old people – Science Media Centre (free) AND Exercise ‘doesn’t slow’ progression of dementia – NHS Choices (free)


Research: Amyloid PET Scan for Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease in Mild Cognitive Impairment

16 May, 2018 | 01:19h | UTC

Use of Flutemetamol F 18–Labeled Positron Emission Tomography and Other Biomarkers to Assess Risk of Clinical Progression in Patients With Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment – JAMA Neurology (free)

Commentaries: Biomarkers, PET imaging may predict cognitive decline en route to Alzheimer’s – Health Imaging (free) AND Amyloid PET Scan Can Predict Progression to Alzheimer’s in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment – (free)

Related Studies: Elevated Brain Amyloid and Subsequent Cognitive Decline Among Cognitively Normal Persons (link to abstract and free commentaries) AND Identifying incipient dementia individuals using machine learning and amyloid imaging (free full-text and commentaries) AND High performance plasma amyloid-β biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease (link to abstract and free commentaries)


Study: Visual Screening Tool Improves Prediction of Developing Dementia

16 May, 2018 | 01:18h | UTC

Improving Prediction of Dementia in Primary Care – Annals of Family Medicine (free)

Commentaries: Screening Tool Improves Dementia Prediction – Medscape (free registration required) AND Visual Test Could Help Predict Dementia Risk in Elders – NEJM Physician’s First Watch (free)


Guideline: Deprescribing Benzodiazepines

16 May, 2018 | 01:01h | UTC

Deprescribing benzodiazepine receptor agonists – Canadian Family Physician (free) (via @Deprescribing)

Related: CaDeN Deprescribing Guidelines and Algorithms (free) AND 11 Drugs You Should Seriously Consider Deprescribing – Medscape Slideshow (free registration required) AND Current and future perspectives on the management of polypharmacy – BMC Family Practice (free)


Meta-analysis: Psychological Interventions for Chronic Pain in Older Adults

10 May, 2018 | 17:48h | UTC

Association Between Psychological Interventions and Chronic Pain Outcomes in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – JAMA Internal Medicine (free for a limited period)

Author Interview: Association Between Psychological Interventions and Chronic Pain Outcomes in Older Adults (free)

Commentaries: Psychological interventions can help treat chronic pain in seniors – UPI (free) AND Not All In Your Head: Psychological Therapies Not a Panacea for Pain – (free)


Cohort Study: Association of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury with Later Dementia

10 May, 2018 | 17:44h | UTC

Association of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury With and Without Loss of Consciousness With Dementia in US Military Veterans – JAMA Neurology (free for a limited period)

Editorial: Risk of Dementia Outcomes Associated With Traumatic Brain Injury During Military Service (free)

Commentaries: Dementia Risk Doubles Following Concussion, UCSF Study Shows – University of California San Francisco (free) AND Vets with Head Injury More Likely To Develop Dementia – (free)

See two recent cohort studies with similar results: Long-term risk of dementia among people with traumatic brain injury (link to abstract and free commentaries) AND Traumatic Brain Injury and the Risk of Dementia Diagnosis (free article and commentaries)


Perspective: Advanced Health Directives for Patients with Dementia

10 May, 2018 | 17:41h | UTC

Alzheimer’s? Your Paperwork May Not Be in Order – The New York Times (10 articles per month are free)

Related: New Document for Patients: Advanced Health Directive for Dementia (free document and commentaries)


Meta-Analysis: Economics of Palliative Care for Hospitalized Adults With Serious Illness

3 May, 2018 | 20:32h | UTC

Economics of Palliative Care for Hospitalized Adults With Serious Illness: A Meta-analysis – JAMA Internal Medicine (free for a limited period)

Commentaries: Study: Palliative Care Reduces Hospital Stay, Cost of Sickest Patients – U.S. News (free) AND Prompt Palliative Care Saves Money, Especially in Sickest Patients – MedPage Today (free registration required)


Cohort Study: Dietary Intake and Age at Natural Menopause

3 May, 2018 | 20:00h | UTC

Dietary intake and age at natural menopause: results from the UK Women’s Cohort Study – Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health (free)

Commentaries: Diet rich in fish and legumes may help to delay natural menopause – BMJ, via EurekAlert (free) AND Expert reaction to study looking at dietary intake and age at menopause – Science Media Centre (free) AND Oily fish and fresh beans may be linked to a later menopause – NHS Choices (free)


Observational Study: Development and Validation of a Hospital Frailty Risk Score for Older People in Acute Care Settings

3 May, 2018 | 19:45h | UTC

Development and validation of a Hospital Frailty Risk Score focusing on older people in acute care settings using electronic hospital records: an observational study – The Lancet (free)

Commentaries: What proportion of older adults in hospital are frail? – The Lancet (free) AND Research helps frail older people in hospitals – University of Leicester, via EurekAlert (free)


Case–Crossover Study: Association Between Home Care Visits and Same-Day Emergency Department Use

3 May, 2018 | 18:44h | UTC

The association between home care visits and same-day emergency department use: a case–crossover study – Canadian Medical Association Journal (free)

Commentaries: Seniors more likely to visit the ER after nurse’s home care visit – McMaster University (free) AND Seniors visit ER’s more frequently after nurse’s home care visit – UPI (free)


Polypharmacy Guidance, Realistic Prescribing

27 Apr, 2018 | 02:58h | UTC

Polypharmacy Guidance, Realistic Prescribing 3 rd Edition, 2018 – Scottish Government Polypharmacy Model of Care Group (free PDF) (via @trishgreenhalgh)

Related Reviews: Current and future perspectives on the management of polypharmacy – BMC Family Medicine (free) AND Routine deprescribing of chronic medications to combat polypharmacy – Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety (free) AND Polypharmacy—an Upward Trend with Unpredictable Effects – Deutsches Ärzteblatt international (free) AND Clinical Consequences of Polypharmacy in Elderly – Expert Opinion on Drug Safety (free)


Perspective: The Mediterranean Diet’s Fight Against Frailty

27 Apr, 2018 | 02:54h | UTC

The Mediterranean Diet’s Fight Against Frailty – JAMA (free for a limited period)


Review: Optimised Care of Elderly Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

27 Apr, 2018 | 02:39h | UTC

Optimised care of elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome – European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care (free) (via @krychtiukmd see Tweet)


USPSTF Draft Recommendation: Screening for Intimate Partner Violence, Elder Abuse, and Abuse of Vulnerable Adults

27 Apr, 2018 | 01:31h | UTC

USPSTF Draft Recommendation Statement: Intimate Partner Violence, Elder Abuse, and Abuse of Vulnerable Adults: Screening (free)

Commentaries: USPSTF urges abuse screening for reproductive-aged women – MedicalXpress (free) AND USPSTF Recommends Screening for Partner Violence in Reproductive-Aged Women – Clinical Advisor (free)

“The USPSTF recommends that clinicians screen for intimate partner violence (IPV) in women of reproductive age and provide or refer women who screen positive to ongoing support services.”


Meta-Analysis: Case Managers Improve Outcomes for People with Dementia and Their Carers

27 Apr, 2018 | 01:23h | UTC

Case managers improve outcomes for people with dementia and their carers – NIHR Signal (free)

Original Article: The effectiveness of community-based coordinating interventions in dementia care: a meta-analysis and subgroup analysis of intervention components – BMC Health Services Research (free)

“The review suggests that nurses may be particularly well placed to act as case managers for people with dementia, perhaps because they have the skills to perform the broad range of tasks associated with the role.” (via @NIHR_DC see Tweet)


Retrospective Cohort: Recent Opioid Use and Fall-related Injury Among Older Patients With Trauma

25 Apr, 2018 | 13:48h | UTC

Recent opioid use and fall-related injury among older patients with trauma – Canadian Medical Association Journal (free)

Commentary: Opioid use linked to increased risk of falls, death in older adults – CMAJ, via EurekAlert (free)


Viewpoint: Tube Feeding and Deteriorating Patients

25 Apr, 2018 | 12:54h | UTC

David Oliver: Tube feeding and deteriorating patients—guidelines can take us only so far – The BMJ (free)

Related Guidelines: American Geriatrics Society Feeding Tubes in Advanced Dementia Position Statement (free) AND ESPEN guideline on ethical aspects of artificial nutrition and hydration (free)

Related Reviews: Artificial nutrition and hydration in advanced dementia – Canadian Family Physician (free) AND End-of-life issues in advanced dementia: Part 1: goals of care, decision-making process, and family education – Canadian Family Physician (free) AND End-of-life issues in advanced dementia: Part 2: management of poor nutritional intake, dehydration, and pneumonia – Canadian Family Physician (free) AND Advanced Dementia – New England Journal of Medicine (free)


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