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Thu July 23 – 10 Stories of The Day!

23 Jul, 2020 | 08:51h | UTC


1 – Effect of Systemic Glucocorticoids on Mortality or Mechanical Ventilation in Patients With COVID-19 – Journal of Hospital Medicine

Commentaries: A blood test may show which COVID-19 patients steroids will help — or harm – Science News AND Common blood test identifies benefits and risks of steroid treatment in COVID-19 patients – Albert Einstein College of Medicine


2 – Managing uncertainty in the covid-19 era – The BMJ Opinion


3 – Audio Interview: Dexamethasone and Covid-19 – New England Journal of Medicine


4 – Rapid Scaling Up of Covid-19 Diagnostic Testing in the United States — The NIH RADx Initiative – New England Journal of Medicine


5 – Coronavirus vaccines leap through safety trials — but which will work is anybody’s guess – Nature


6 – Covid-19 Vaccines With ‘Minor Side Effects’ Could Still Be Pretty Bad – Wired


7 – Controversial ‘human challenge’ trials for COVID-19 vaccines gain support – Science


8 – How to Understand COVID-19 Numbers – ProPublica


9 – COVID-19 Serological Tests: How Well Do They Actually Perform? – Diagnostics

Commentary: Overview of Covid-19 Serological Tests –


10 –COVID-19 Updates / 23 July 2020 Edition

23 July 2020 Edition – COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Latest Articles, Guidelines, News & Perspectives (several free resources)


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