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Choosing Wisely internationally – 213 helpful recommendations for antimicrobial stewardship!

27 Feb, 2023 | 13:19h | UTC

Summary: The article discusses the importance of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in the face of increasing antimicrobial resistance and the role of the Choosing Wisely campaign in promoting the rational use of antibiotics. The study evaluated 213 Choosing Wisely recommendations related to AMS practices in six countries (Australia/New Zealand, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, the USA, and Germany) and categorized them according to six categories: diagnostics, indication, choice of anti-infective drugs, dosing, application, and duration of therapy. Topics related to indication and diagnostics were most frequently addressed, and avoiding antibiotic treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria and upper respiratory tract infections were central topics across all countries.

Article: Choosing Wisely internationally – helpful recommendations for antimicrobial stewardship! – Infection

See complete lists of low-value practices: Choosing Wisely U.S. / Choosing Wisely UK / Choosing Wisely Australia AND Choosing Wisely Canada


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