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CDC Study | Estimates of serial interval and incubation period for mpox virus infection in the US

8 Mar, 2023 | 14:34h | UTC


Monkeypox cases have been reported globally since May 2022, with most transmission occurring through close physical contact associated with sexual activities among men who have sex with men.

This study presented the estimated mean serial interval and incubation period for monkeypox virus infection based on data collected from 12 US health departments. The serial interval is the time between symptom onset in a primary case-patient and symptom onset in the secondary case-patient. It is critical for estimating the effective reproduction number and forecasting incidence, both of which are important for understanding the course of an outbreak and the effect of interventions.

The results indicate that the mean estimated serial interval for symptom onset is 8.5 days, while the mean estimated incubation period is 5.6 days.

Article: Interval and Incubation Period for Monkeypox Virus Infection in the United States: Findings from 12 Health Departments” – Emerging Infectious Diseases

Commentary: 8.5 days elapse between successive mpox cases, study estimates – CIDRAP


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