Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy incidence rates and risk factors
1 May, 2017 | 16:46h | UTCEditorial: Gaining perspective on SUDEP: The new guideline (free)
Commentary: New guideline: Address GTCS frequency to reduce SUDEP risk – Clinical Neurology News (free)
Exercise interventions for cognitive function in adults older than 50
26 Apr, 2017 | 16:07h | UTCMeta-analysis: Exercise interventions for cognitive function in adults older than 50: a systematic review with meta-analysis – British Journal of Sports Medicine (free)
Source: Exercise Could Benefit Cognition in Older Adults – Physician’s First Watch (free)
“Physical exercise interventions significantly improved cognitive function in adults older than 50 years, regardless of baseline cognitive status”.
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Diagnosis and Treatment
25 Apr, 2017 | 16:03h | UTCReview: Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Diagnosis and Treatment – Deutsches Ärzteblatt international (free)
Source: Critical Care Reviews Newsletter (free)
Head injury decision rules in children
26 Apr, 2017 | 16:06h | UTCAccuracy of PECARN, CATCH, and CHALICE head injury decision rules in children: a prospective cohort study – The Lancet (link to abstract – $ for full-text)
Sources: External Validation of Three Decision Rules for Pediatric Head Injury – Journal Watch (free) AND Best way to diagnose head injuries in children and minimize CT scans – ScienceDaily (free) AND PECARN, CATCH, CHALICE … or None of the Above? – By Ryan P. Radecki, MD, in Emergency Medicine Literature of Note (free)
The 3 decision rules performed well with negative predictive values >99%. The PECARN clinical decision rule was more sensitive and missed only 1 patient with clinically important traumatic brain injury, but was less specific, meaning more CTs would be required. These findings indicate that CT can generally be avoided if one of the prediction rules are negative.
Sugar- and Artificially Sweetened Beverages and the Risks of Incident Stroke and Dementia
24 Apr, 2017 | 15:33h | UTCProspective cohort study: Sugar- and Artificially Sweetened Beverages and the Risks of Incident Stroke and Dementia – Stroke (free PDF)
Editorial: Sugar-Sweetened and Artificially Sweetened Beverages in Relation to Stroke and Dementia: Are Soft Drinks Hard on the Brain? – Stroke(free PDF)
Commentaries on the study: Diet soda and stroke & dementia news coverage: 3 key points weren’t always reported – HealthNewsReview (free – See Tweet) AND Stroke and dementia risk linked to artificial sweeteners, study suggests – The Guardian (free) AND A diet soda a day might affect dementia risk, study suggests – American Heart Association News (free)
This study has drawn a lot of attention from the media, but no firm conclusions can be made due to the observational nature of the study.
New ILAE Epilepsy Classification Published
12 Apr, 2017 | 15:51h | UTCNew ILAE Epilepsy Classification Published – Medscape (free registration required)
Position paper: Operational classification of seizure types by the International League Against Epilepsy (free)
Practical manual: Instruction manual for the ILAE 2017 operational classification of seizure types (free)
“For the first time in 30 years, an epileptic seizures classification update” (RT @MedscapeNeuro see Tweet)
Benefits of Endovascular Treatment for Stroke Last at Least 2 Years
7 Apr, 2017 | 15:51h | UTCBenefits of Endovascular Treatment for Stroke Last at Least 2 Years – Physician’s First Watch (free)
Original article abstract ($ required for full-text): Two-Year Outcome after Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke – New England Journal of Medicine
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
5 Apr, 2017 | 21:49h | UTCReview: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – Deutsches Ärzteblatt international (free)
American College of Radiology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria Adds Topics
4 Apr, 2017 | 21:19h | UTCACR Appropriateness Criteria Adds Topics, Covers More Clinical Variants Than Ever Before (free)
Browse Appropriateness Criteria Topics (free)
Source: Newswise
This comprehensive guide from American College of Radiology (ACR) covers 230 topics with more than 1,100 clinical indications and has just been updated. It is a very useful resource for doctors in all specialties to guide which exam is most appropriate in each clinical situation.
Insomnia associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke
4 Apr, 2017 | 21:17h | UTCSource: Insomnia associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke – EurekAlert (free) (RT @CaulfieldTim)
Cognitive Dysfunction in Older Adults With Diabetes
3 Apr, 2017 | 19:18h | UTCCognitive Dysfunction in Older Adults With Diabetes: What a Clinician Needs to Know – Diabetes Care (free)
Source: Management of Older Adults With Diabetes and Cognitive Dysfunction – PracticeUpdate (free registration required)
“Recommendations include the need for simplified medication regimens, avoidance of glucose-lowering drugs with a high risk of hypoglycemia, periodic reassessment of glycemic goals, and repeated education of the patient and caregiver” (from PracticeUpdate commentary above)
Neuropathic pain in adults
3 Apr, 2017 | 19:23h | UTC
Revised Framingham Stroke Risk Profile
27 Mar, 2017 | 00:48h | UTCRevised Framingham Stroke Risk Profile to Reflect Temporal Trends – Circulation (free)
“A revised Framingham Stroke Risk Profile more accurate at predicting contemporary stroke risk”.
“Instant classic paper on stroke risk prediction?! Will patients be interested in this?” (RT @MaryCushmanMD)
Genetic assessment of age-associated Alzheimer disease risk
23 Mar, 2017 | 17:01h | UTCGenetic assessment of age-associated Alzheimer disease risk: Development and validation of a polygenic hazard score – PLOS Medicine (free) (RT @EricTopol see Tweet)
See also: New Alzheimer’s test can predict age when disease will appear – The Guardian (free)
*Very interesting, but do we want to know?*
Pregabalin for Acute and Chronic Sciatica
23 Mar, 2017 | 17:15h | UTCTrial of Pregabalin for Acute and Chronic Sciatica – New England Journal of Medicine (link to abstract – $ required for full-text)
Pregabalin did not reduce pain and was associated with higher incidence of adverse events.
Dementia Across the Lifespan and Around the Globe
23 Mar, 2017 | 16:59h | UTCPLOS Medicine special issue edited by Carol Brayne & Bruce Miller: Dementia Across the Lifespan and Around the Globe (free) (RT @tshakey)