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Follow-up of the ISCHEMIA trial | Similar survival after invasive vs. conservative management of stable coronary disease.

8 Nov, 2022 | 12:32h | UTC

Survival After Invasive or Conservative Management of Stable Coronary Disease – Circulation (free for a limited period)

Original Articles:

ISCHEMIA Trial: Health-Status Outcomes with Initial Invasive vs. Conservative Care in Stable Coronary Disease

ISCHEMIA Trial: Initial Invasive vs. Conservative Strategy for Stable Coronary Disease

ISCHEMIA Trial: Health Status after Invasive or Conservative Care in Coronary and Advanced Kidney Disease

ISCHEMIA Trial: Management of Coronary Disease in Patients with Advanced Kidney Disease

See also:

RCT | In patients with severe ischemic left ventricular systolic dysfunction under optimal medical therapy, revascularization by PCI did not improve outcomes.


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