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2ry analysis of a RCT | Vitamin D supplementation does not affect cognitive function in older adults

30 Mar, 2023 | 14:14h | UTC

Vitamin D supplementation and cognition—Results from analyses of the D-Health trial – Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (link to abstract – $ for full-text)

Original Study: RCT: Oral Vitamin D supplementation (60.000 IU per month) did not reduce mortality in patients 60 years or older (unscreened individuals in Australia, many without insufficiency, average 30ng/mL). Exploratory analyses pointed towards an increased risk of death from cancer.


Randomized Trial: Vitamin D Supplements and Prevention of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

Meta-Analysis: Vitamin D Not Effective for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Association between vitamin D supplementation and mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis – The BMJ

USPSTF Draft Statement: Insufficient evidence to recommend multivitamin supplements for the prevention of CVD or cancer. The statement also recommends against the use of beta-carotene (increases risk of CVD mortality and lung cancer) or vitamin E (clear evidence of no benefit)

Vitamin D, calcium, other vitamins, and supplements do not prevent cardiovascular diseases

Research: Circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of seven cancers

Research: Vitamin D and risk of total and site specific cancers


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